Monday, November 26, 2007

Farewell, green-goers!

Farewell, loyal blog-readers.

The time has come for the semester to end, and my blogging to cease (at least at this speedy rate).
I hope you cherish all of the wonderful times we've had together- learning the beauty of black beans, the joys of St. John's Wort, and the dangers of traditional Western medicine.

But seriously- if there is one thing I will remember about this class, it's how we combined our knowledge with the forefront of information on living green, now becoming a huge phenomenon in the United States.
And it's about time- all it takes is a few minutes to change a lightbulb into one more eco-friendly, or a second thought to turn off the running water while you're brushing your teeth.
These little actions will help us all in a big way, and I hope that if there's anything YOU take away from this, it's that the small stuff really does count.
I have learned a lot in my eco-adventures. Up until this point I had never blogged before, nor used the Internet for educational purposes (I know, I know, shame on me). I'm realizing now that there is much out there to see and do, something I intend to get started on by graduating.
Living greeen is important, especially in this day and age.
So while you're printing out this last blog entry, scouring it for a bit of hope and inspiration (and hopefully a good laugh), please, please, please, reuse your printer paper.
And remember: Nothing feels better than helping to save the world.
So, turn off your water. Buy a hybrid car with all of the money you'll save on your bills.
We all prosper when we pitch in to do our parts.

Thanks for the good times,

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