Monday, October 15, 2007


Hey guys,

I just read a really great book that I think you should know about.
It's called "The Hidden Messages in Water," and it is all about how water can be used as an absorbant to reflect messages and effect overall health.
Within the book, researcher and author Masaru Emoto wrote messages on the outsides of water bottles and then used a high-tech camera to photograph the crystals within the water after exposure to different messages.
The results were astounding.
Messages that were positive, such as 'thank you' or 'love' or 'gratitude' produced crystals that were absolutely perfect in shape.
On the other hands, messages such as 'you fool' or 'i hate you' produced crystals that were distorted, as if someone had smashed them with a sledgehammer.
According to this research, water messages can have similar effects as self-hypnosis in helping the body and mind to achieve, and produce, the most positive results for whatever ailment one might have. For example, to counter low self esteem, messages such as 'you are beautiful' or 'love thyself' can be extremely powerful.
Based on this research, I decided to try a little experiment of my own. For the next few weeks, I will be drinking bottles of water with positive messages on them. My family and I have been going through some hard times with the sickness of my grandfather, so I think an appropriate message for me is 'trust' or 'love' knowing that it will all eventually work out.
Surprisingly, the individuals behind the "hidden messages in water" are hosting a school in Tucson, Arizona, on the properties of water. Although the three-day school would be a great opportunity and I would love to attend, tuition is $3000!

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